Readings are very unique and particular to each individual client. A lot of people, don't know what to expect when they speak to a psychic, a medium, or a practitioner of similar disciplines.
The message that comes through during a reading is meant for that moment in time. It is intended to empower you, the one getting the reading, with awareness of how the past is impacting the present and where the current patterns of energy and habitual tendencies are headed. The future continues to be fluid, moving, developing, changing. More times than not, the future can be changed. So why get a reading if the future isn't set in stone? Well, if you are not aware of where the different facets of the current moment are headed, then you won't be prepared for what is coming. I've found that clients that are empowered with awareness of the present moment then become able to make the future they want to see happen. Yes, the future is covered during the course of a reading. Such future events are based on energies already in place, with the culmination being the events to develop and ultimately to transpire. Some things are unavoidable and karmic. Other events can be avoided altogether. By seeing what is headed your way, you can also nurture other possibilities that otherwise would not have occurred. Getting a reading should be about being empowered! Take a fresh look at the past, see the present with new eyes, and take a peak at what is headed your way! It's an exciting process that can change one's life and one's world. Awareness is the first step towards realizing your dreams!
Please be aware that my postings on Tarot (as well as LeNormand or any other system of divination) are based on what I was personally taught, my studies over the years, as well as practical experience gleaned from 25+ years of reading for people. I do not expect everyone to agree with everything I write -- that would be entirely unrealistic.
Much of what may be shared is an aggregation of resources I have used in my own practice as a reader. If I know a specific resource from which my information is derived, that will be shared. If something is used from another reader then it will be posted with their awareness and only after obtaining their permission. The reason I'm doing this is I realize that the way I was taught and learned the cards seems a bit different than the methods now studied en masse. Hopefully some of it will be helpful to a few of you. |